Welcome to the SRMS PTSO
The Severn River Middle School Parent Teacher Student Organization {PTSO} is a volunteer organization at your school. With your help, we support students, teachers, administrators, and the many programs that make SRMS great. By joining the PTSO you can help us make your child’s experience a wonderful one.
Becoming a PTSO member is one of the main ways we fund our programs at SRMS. Your membership allows us to continue making a difference and for you to stay informed. Click on the PTSO MEMBERSHIP tab at the top of this page.
Your PTSo representatives
board members
Contact us at: SevernRiverMiddlePTSO@gmail.com
Subject Line: Include Name or Committee you would like your email directed to
PTSO President: Catherine Konopka
PTSO Vice President: Rachael Wiker
PTSO Treasurer: Bernice Hauth
PTSO Secretary: Michele Logan
Committee Chairs
Boxtops: Shirleta Henson McKann
Fundraising: OPEN*
Green Team: OPEN*
Honor Roll Treats: Shirleta Henson McKann
Hospitality/Staff Appreciation: Catherine Wallace
Membership: Aidanora Stea
Shark Shop: Bernice Hauth
Shark Shop Social Coordinator: Rachel Wiker
Spirit Nights: Linda Calvert
Spirit Wear: Kristin Vanak
Staff/Teacher Appreciation: Catherine Wallace
6th Grade Parent Liaison: Andrea Pecukaitis
7th Grade Parent Liaison: Kristin Vanak
8th Grade Parent Liaison: Crystal Ferrera
8th Grade Promotion/Formal/Related Events: OPEN*
Webmaster: Jessica Veseskis
*Volunteers Needed! Please consider becoming a Committee Chair to help make your students experience the best it can be at SRMS. Thanks for your support.